I am a little disturbed after having viewed a video on CNN regarding bullying of children. ( http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/09/20/ac-kth-bullying-in-america.cnn?hpt=hp_c2 ) The video happens to include several snipits of video; mainly a youtube video of the "bi-sexual child" who committed suicide and then several snipits of lawmakers and religeous persons that basically justify this child's suicide. UGH!!!!!!!! I am outraged. First off, when did we start labeling children? IT'S A CHILD!!!! I am seriously sick of being a part of a species that feels the need to label, discriminate and abuse. Bullying is bad. Duh! But once worse, your minister telling you that since your religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin that it is permissible for you to chastise another who's belief differs from yours to the point of abuse; it's plain ignorant. What is next?... do these individuals plan to burn homosexuals at the stake as they did "witches" long ago... EVOLUTION people... it's about growing up! I am seriously wondering how some of these people got into positions of power to begin with - it's like they are three grunts away from being cavemen.
I thought God taught love, tolerance, peace? You make a mockery of your own religion by encouraging or practicing such behaviors. Stating that the children that did the bullying should into be penalized because they were taught that homosexuality is a sin.... okay then... let us punish YOU... the bigot that taught them the hate and intolerance of others.
I am glad I wasn't raised to hate. Your skin is the same as mine... you cut it, it bleeds.
They propose that it homosexual history should be taught in school. I disagree with that sorry. I don't believe that we need to spotlight any portion of our history... I don't agree with Black history month and hence I would not support a gay history month or any other creed. I think we have a history and we should teach it. All of it - as a whole. No one group has suffered more than another and we are all in the same boat now. I can hear you complaining... keep it down over there; and yes I am aware of the era of slavery.... but do we need a month to celebrate it? If that be the case where is Jewish history month? I think I have made my point.
It is sad that we the people - treat our people so poorly. That our children would feel unloved enough ever to commit suicide. That they would feel cast out and rejected or alone. It is pathetic that we don't search ourselves and aim to be better humans. Life is too short to hate & who are you to judge?
You would think that with all the adversity in the world that people would unite and as a whole try to encumber the obstacles and woe that face us as a species. It we as a people put as much energy into tolerance as we put into intolerance we might actually find ourselves without so much adversity.
I am very sad for the future.
The news is disturbing.