Wednesday, August 22, 2012

True Story

straight -faced with crooked conversation you abstain from lifting even the inflection of your tone to comfort or console until it melds into something that makes mutes of us both
the silence is deafening but far less brutal then the space in between that eats at my peace and increases my need and desire for the love that I know in you still I haven't got a clue not a single rhyme or reason why our promises might flail like a bird with broken wings
and yet it seemed
that the door has closed and you are pressing your fingers to it to keep me out to stop me from helping and on the other side I sit crying and yelping and pleading and praying to be your honey balm to the burn the cruel cold black sun left upon you
your pride makes you think that it is you that needs saving and so you flatly and boldly refuse - OPEN open your eyes hear my sighs of discontent and fear and abandon naught the love in me that you so easily seen and grasped with a clutch of a giant tho meek and sweet and coy in my presence
you are mighty
and fierce
and strong
it is i who are weak and lay in waiting - isolated, longing and yearning for
true story

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

live without love

Why do people say that they love you
only to tear you apart
only to break you down
words like razor blades
to shred
and tear away your happiness
and they delight
all the while
like a child
it's a trap
an endless cycle
and you long..
long... for release
and you need..
need to be free
but you're bound
and chained
to the hatred
that they breathe
the air they pollute
and you gasp
and grasp
at the thought of escape
an end to your pain
rescue me you scream
save me you pray
don't abandon me
i am dying inside
but I am not dead
I need a hero
to release this poison from my head
to heal
to love
to show me something new
I am looking for a miracle man
could he be you?