You ever just know when you meet someone that they will always be special to you? I like to think that I am very observant of the people that by fate seemingly enter my life and touch it, almost unknowingly in ways that I cannot fully express, even as it unfolds before my eyes. I like to think that every single person you encounter has some sort of purpose in your life and that they are placed there for a very specific reason. I mean to say, it could be something so simple as a kind word or a shared smile or something much more intense... you just have to be open to it. I think that some people you can see this about right away and it is so obvious that you have no choice but to abandon your course and cleave them to you, others you have to look a little deeper ... and maybe give yourself over to the idea that maybe you are indeed the one touching their life and swaying the course of their existence.
I knew when I met David that he would always be special to me. Amazingly I knew it from the very first moment that I heard him breathe words to me. My eyes glistened and my heart raced and I was simply beside myself and overwhelmed with all that is this man. His words flowed like wine to me and I quickly became drunk off of this mystical anomaly that was before me. I had never in my life met someone that was so much like me... I never even believed, though I had spent a great many years wishing for just that, that it could even exist; yet here he was and I was like a child with stars in my eyes... in total awe at all that he is.
You know those moments where you stand just frozen and listen to someone speak... as if to be sinking every word that leaps from their lips and every moment they make deep inside of your memory banks. You never want to forget the way that they looked, they way the light touched their face, the pitch of their voice, the weight of their body as it fills the spaces in your heart. He is filled with wonderful ideas... a dreamers heart that is over-flowing with the magic many lose as children. It is nothing less then amazing to watch him in motion, so passionate as he articulates his vision in a surely well thought out and detailed fashion. It is truly awe inspiring to see someone expose themselves to you just the way that you know they were meant to be. They are not hiding, they are standing there arms outstretched shouting "World!!! TAKE ME AS I AM!!", and you are the fortunate soul that gets to witness it up close: a blessing indeed.
Solidarity makes the world seem vacant and closed to a dreamer. Creative souls are ever seeking an intertwinement with one another... a muse if you will. They feed off the energy of one another and instead of being outcasts and freaks; it suddenly makes sense. I tend to believe that everything happens for a reason. People are beset before you for very specific reasons... you may never fully know their purpose. Bad or good, you are to basically learn something from every person that you encounter. If they leave your life and you take away nothing then you have failed not only them, but you are failing yourself. Would it not be better to keep yourself open to it and gather what you can into yourself? I think with nearly every person that I encounter has built me into the person that I am today... little pieces of these people carry on through me and have been molded into the woman that sits before you. I find it completely amazing and breath-taking that another person was spawned into existence that is so much like me... we had completely different experiences, different family, different friends and different everything... but we ended up the same? How magical is that? It seems so insane. I love it! I am amazed every moment and speechless more than I ever imagined possible.
I stare in awe at David all of the time. I laugh at him a lot and smile, perhaps more than I have my entire life. It's good to joke with someone who gets your humor.. to dance lyrically in their ballroom even if all you can muster at moments is 'word salad"... but for them to know things about you instantly and be so in tune with who you are on even the deepest most hidden and unspoken level, simply because they know this very thing about their own self. He's doing it right now... I know it is driving him crazy that I am sitting here writing this as he is in the other room and has no idea what I am putting down here. Only moments before I was wrapped all up in the conversation that we had as we stood in the middle of his kitchen.
David's kitchen is not necessarily a typical kitchen by any means. I mean it has the same things as any other kitchen but it is filled, as is most of his apartment, with Halloween decorations, star wars and comic book heroes.. and little oddities that he has collected to study on his own little scientific or artistic adventure. We had gotten on the topic of seeds and about how things grow and as we feed off each other in this conversation David says that he would love to collect pumpkin seeds and travel about planting random pumpkin patches everywhere.. I giggle at his greatness and jokingly call him David Pumpkinseed (like Johnny Appleseed) and he smoothly corrects me with a cool smile on his lips and says "the Pumpkin King" I am in glazed over wonderment. I mean why not? He could. It would be GREAT!!! I am wholly delighted and instantly inspired to document the pinnacle moment that the notion was conceived and by whom.
It is an atrocity that many people don't know the greatness that is this man. I mean I am glad, in a wholly selfish way, that they don't get it and that I do, but what a crime I feel it to be that his talent, insight and creativity and hidden from the masses on whatever spectrum.
I am the lucky one.
I will know him my whole life, I mean how could I ever walk away from my other self? lol
ahhh ... a date with the Pumpkin King...*sigh* I always wanted to be royalty.
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