Thursday, January 18, 2018

Teen Suicide, Tide pods & Parenting

We've got a lot of ground to cover. Buckle up!
I'm sure every parent has thought that they've had a harder go at it then their parents did raising them. At least that is what I tell myself, when I'm resisting the urge to bitch about my parenting woes. Perhaps it's true in some regard, as the world is constantly changing and evolving and you have to grow with it. Whether you want to or not.
I never thought I would be the one sitting here, coining phrases like " I long for a simpler time" or "when I was a kid"... blah blah blah, but here we are.
A neighboring school district has been battling a rash of teen suicides. They've had about 1 per month since school has started. People are so quick to point the finger and place blame. The community wants so badly to have someone or something to crucify for all this heartache. Ironically, I don't think that it is any one thing that is causing children to feel despair these days.
There has always been bullying and there will always be bullying... but let's face facts it was NEVER the way that it is now. If someone talks shit about you or you make a mistake you are risking only a few people knowing or even it being contained within your school and community.. you are facing judgement and ridicule globally. Worse yet, there is likely to be video evidence of it. How can you live that down?
Everyone has an opinion and our youth are constantly looking for validation. Are they good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, athletic enough, trendy enough... you get the idea. They spam polls and pictures throughout social media fishing for affirmations and are often times met with something quite the contrary. There is some real ugliness on the internet.
In an era of challenges and a yearn for followers and media attention we have some how spiraled into this phase of people pretending to/ eating Tide pods?
Are parents even in the equation? I mean I'm not trying to lay blame on parents, because let's face it if a teen wants to get away with something they will find a way. However, that being said, I think that parents as a whole have become pretty disconnected from their children. So busy working or trying to "have a life", so afraid to offend or trigger their children by telling them no or making restrictions... maybe this isn't you, but I'm certain that someone comes to mind almost immediately that fits the bill. 
I constantly hear from my children how I'm unreasonable and how they need/want more "freedom" like their peers. They are independent and don't need chaperones or "babysitters". I have to laugh, because I'm not ready for grandchildren and I want them to out live me, so yes, I'm going to be in "their business". I don't judge them. They can be who they want to be... it's a little late to really stop them... but I can guide them.... they have come to accept it. It's a lot to keep up with and some days I feel like I am losing my mind. How do you stay ahead of an ever-evolving technology?
Every day is a nightmare and a blessing. I worry if I am doing enough and if any of it is actually sinking in - and they surprise me all of the time with their kindness and compassion. So maybe we are exactly where we are supposed to be all of the time and that's the only place we should be. There's just no way that I can stop shooting for the moon, even if I'm consistently lading only in the stars.
Lastly, my heart breaks for all of the parents losing children. No parent should ever have to bury their child. I hope peace find your hearts and our community heals soon.

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