Saturday, July 25, 2009

Without YOU

Without You

Being without the one that you love is a pain worse than death. It is a slow aching need that develops into a diseased poison coursing through your veins.
Your arms are empty and ache to hold him, your voice shakes as your surf on the wave of tears that are sure to come as you say goodbyes. There is that awkward moment where you just look into one another's eyes and you seem frozen there; you just don't want to turn and walk away, though you know you must.
A cold chill rushes over you as the love fire slowly smolders to barely a warm ember, you can still feel their simple kiss upon your lips and feel the strength of their grasp but with time it seems to pass some and so the cold sets in. The darkness of loneliness you now wear like a burial shroud and you retreat into the solitude of the world without them.
You know in your heart that you must let them go if ever they are to return to you and that where your lover goes you cannot always follow; but somehow it is still not a comfort to you.
You talk frequently on the phone though you can hear it in their voice, it can never really take the place of their smile, or the glimmer in their eyes when they look at you. Missing someone is a hunger that can only be satisfied by reunification.
You look into the night sky and you plead to the stars to race your lover back to your arms, but like an obstinate child your cries fall on deaf ears; so you sit, and you wait, day after day and the moments pass like hours and the hours like days and the days like years and you become riddled with question, hurt, ache and yearning until you feel you will seemingly die.

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