When did people stop taking pride in themselves? When did we get so lost that the minimal effort is all anyone is willing to put forth? Does no one seriously take pride in doing their best at their job or striving to succeed any more?
I've always been one to take notice in the world around me. My mother used to say "you got to look beyond the end of your nose", my grandmother used to say " there's more than just your own back yard", the message is all the same. It's a big world out there and even if you choose to ignore it, it's still there so look at the big picture. I think that we have gotten so self consumed that we only see ourselves now. What's worse, we are raising a generation that is so short sighted, entitled and afraid of criticism that they hide away from the world. Instead of being out in the world and enjoying the differences of people they are busy sorting each other and demanding sameness.
Parenting is so lax, I can hardly believe some of the things that my sons friends are getting away with. No one home to enforce the rules. No one looking over their shoulder or guiding them to the right path and furthermore.. no one telling them that they HAVE to do anything.
The world is moving so fast on a crash course of devastation and no one can be bothered to look away from their screen long enough to see a solution. There is a problem with not taking any responsibility that is breeding an epidemic. Over sensitive, easily offended sheep leading more sheep and they are misinformed. It's okay to be different, but you can't demand that everyone accept that. Yes you have a right to not be mistreated, but saying that I don't understand or asking questions is not abuse or a violation of your rights. You've got to expect some weird looks or remarks when it's something new and different... and news flash people can act very ignorant, but one asshole doesn't speak for all of humanity.
It surprises me that a generation so consumed with labeling everything and tossing it into a category will stand on their proverbial soapbox to preach gender anonymity. Then, a lot of things surprise me.
Suicide is on the rise. Mass shootings in schools and public events are on the rise. Terrorism is permeating our culture and leaching into our schools. The weak are getting shepherded by a dangerous lot and swallowed up with iniquity and despair. Like insolent children they are begging for you to set a limitation and demand better of them and if you won't they just keep going until there is nothing left to destroy.
My eldest son complains all the time that I don't allow him to do things that other parents allow. He complains that he has guidelines and rules. That I have expectations and that I make demands. It's a hard road for me to walk because I want his love and praise... but even more than that I want him alive and to have a chance to make it if anything ever happened to me. I go to great lengths to communicate with his teachers and find it sad that I'm not even at the school and most times I can tell them more about what happened in their classroom then they can. There is no reason that a teacher should be leaving a room full of 30 teenagers to their own devices. It's my belief that the reason that the schools think there isn't a bullying problem is because they aren't looking beyond the end of their noses. This speaks back to people doing the bare minimum in their jobs.
Most schools aren't secure. Most schools don't monitor what kids are bringing into the schools. Drugs are infesting our schools and children are arming themselves with weapons and vengeance. They are hurt and they want to throw a fit like they see the generation before them all over television and internet... and people are dying. Children are dying.
There is simply no accountability. No enforcement of the rules. No standard that you can't slip beneath.
You have to start with yourself and with your children and stop being afraid to demand more from your peers and coworkers, from your community and blossom out from there. I'm not talking about your opinion of how things should be, but the hard cold factual rules and morality that once stood for something in our communities.
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