Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Don't Let Them Own You

Sometimes I just get so fed up with all of the whining that happens in the world. It seems like everyone has something to complain about and they are definitely not being quiet about it. Their job sucks, their life sucks, they need money, you get the idea.

No one said that life was easy and if you haven't figured it out yet, nothing in life is handed to you. You have to work and work hard to make your life what you want it to be. Now we are all guilty of this to a certain extent; yes; I too have wallowed in self pity and cried about things that I should have just sucked up and dealt with. My constant wake up call is that someone is always going through something when you think you got it bad just pause for a moment and look around.  I am reminded of and old saying that I heard once "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man that had no feet"

Point is, that you can't walk around the world feeling sorry for yourself or expecting others to take pity on you and do it for you.  I actually know people who expect everything handed to them, it wouldn't matter if they had all the luck in the world, they still leave all the hard work up to everyone else. They live this fancy free life with no worries because they know no matter how hard it gets that people will pull together and bail them out. (must be nice). But what if we just cut them off and make them do it themselves? Would they really sink into oblivion without us? Doubtful, it is an instinct that we are born with to press on and fight for our survival.

I know you all have heard it "that which does not kill us makes us stronger"... now I am realistic and I know that it is hard to believe when you are going through it, but look back at all the adversity that you have ever had in your life and think about how horrible it was then and know that you are still alive and probably smarter and stronger for having survived that.

I wish that I could go around the world and relieve people of this hang up they have with troubles and how they deal with them. I am happy to be able to help by letting someone vent, but I cannot solve your problems for you. Only YOU can do that. ..and is it wrong to expect that if I am willing to listen to your problems that I should expect you to attentively listen to mine? Isn't that what friendship is all about?

Bottom line: We all have or problems. Don't let them own you.

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