Saturday, November 8, 2008

Interiors & Exteriors

When you hold the heart of a man in your hands you can feel the depths of his soul. When he comes to you a little broken and somewhat exposed, with the underbelly of his tough exterior open, seemingly laying his head upon your shoulder and aching for you to balm his burn, you then begin to know the realness that is him. You see past the he that he shows the masses and now have the him that has room for you.
I have a weakness for this man. The man that is strong and confident and secure, but beneath can bare and be broken and needs my care. I have the words to console an aching heart. I have the love and tenderness and need to nurture and protect those that fill my heart.
I fall and fade and slip into a being fast and without caution. How can my hopelessly romantic and empathetic heart not fill up with someone that is all things me?
I too have an exterior and interior me. The me the masses see may be so far different from the real me that you may be confused at some point and think me to live in duality. Don't get me wrong - you really do get what you see here, but the depths are so much more and almost a treasure, because they are so well guarded.
I believe I seek that out in someone too. I want to and can relate to someone who is both strong and weak. Someone who embraces not only their joys but will wear their sadness and hurt for you.
You come to me with this hurt in your heart, this doubt, this question and I want to scoop you up and cradle you in my care. I guess it's the mother spirit in me. I want to run to you and take your pain away, and in an instant almost, my need for you grows and intensifies.
Coming to know someone takes time. People constantly evolve and some wear many masks to protect the inner being that is the lifeblood fuel for their truest id. The id is the them that you want and the only them that will feed the ravenous hunger for love's fulfillment. when they shed the shell and you see it, you know in an instant if they fit in your world and if they do they instantly burn and bury a care for them in your heart that is somewhat like an infection, repeated exposure to the id can easily overtake even the best defenses.
When I want something, I put my whole heart towards it, and it almost becomes a goal in a sense. I feel that I have so much to offer as a person on the many levels of relationship and interaction. If your intentions and deepest desires mesh with mine you will never know a love with more intensity, passion or bliss. You will never meet a truer friend or more fierce adversary. I put all of me into everything that I do and you truthfully getting my best at all times.
I have spotted you and set my sights. Stay steady in the you that I am knowing, help me keep this shimmer in my eye and this skip in my step. I'll keep dreaming of the you I am racing towards.

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